
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while...suffering from a bit of mental pause I think :-)  Things here have been chuggin' along.  The normal routine of working despite still not having a federal budget.  The big rumor at work is that there will be a furlough (lay off) of federal employees if a new budget or another Continuing Resolution isn't passed. 

In my typical, career broadening fashion, I earned some negative points during a recent meeting on the topic when I spoke up and announced that if they were looking for volunteers to be furloughed that I'd like to be at the top of the list :-) 

The last time this happened, in 1995...."non-essential" employees had to stay home for four days...after the budget was passed....everyone received back pay for the days they stayed home...and were not charged vacation time...sounds like a great plan to me !!!

BIG NEWS!!!  I finally got to meet LilSis' boyfriend Friday night!  It was a very spur of the moment event prompted by LilSis...with great trepidation.  Once she made the invitation, she was as nervous as a politician hooked up to a polygraph machine :-)  If it hadn't happened so fast (20 minutes from invitation to meeting) I think she would have backed out.

We met at Texas Roadhouse for dinner and if possible, he was even more nervous than LilSis.  I must be getting soft in my old age because they looked so on edge and uncomfortable that I didn't have the heart to jerk his chain...even though it would have been sooooooooooo easy to do :-)  I was on my best behaviour and didn't even enter into "Protective Dad" mode, we had a nice, quiet meal. 

I didn't get to see or hear enough to come to any conclusions about Big Bird (because he is tall, not necessarily yellow) but he didn't say or do anything stupid and he seems to be very deferential to LilSis...which as Dad, I like :-)

That's it for tonight...the Xbox is calling...I hope everyone is well and living the dream.


Anonymous said...

I like it when parents behave towards their kids' significant others. I remember when I first introduced my parents to my now boyfriend I was soooo nervous especially since they didn't like my ex at all.

that guy said...

we all thought you were just busy making that kickass clock for JM...

mebbe i can't speak for all your followers, i was refering to all the voices in my head...

good on ya for making the meal palatable...i know it is difficult!

take the furlough!

damn the career!

*shrugs and walks away, never take advice from the unemployed*

Chief aka Dad said...

@Adorkable...I must be honest...I have in the past been less than well behaved at times when meeting "significant others"...just ask Jumble Mash :-) was fun making the clock...I've made quite a few but it's been years since I'd made one...our next project...she's to build her a book shelf we designed last night...I'll get it done sooner if the furlough happens :-)

not displayed said...

bugger, I got it so wrong on saturday night when I stood the teenagers girlfriend in front of all the family and friends and introduced her. Think I may have embarressed her a wee bit. Oh well, if she is going to hang around she better get used to me hehe

The Empress said...

Welcome back. Can't blame you for speaking up and volunteering for a furrlough, especially if in the end it will result in paid time off.

I'm sure LilSis was relieved that you played nice at dinner. Please keep us posted on Big Bird.

Miss Vicki said...

Oh thank you for posting...I was getting worried!!!! Nice to have you back :-)) Love the clock by the way :)

Teresa said...

glad to see you around. i was beginning i was going to have to send the hounds to see where you'd gone. i think several of us have either had, or are contemplating, a mental pause. good for the mind.

great clock!

gewuerzgurke said...

I can totally imagine it's difficult meeting your little girls boyfriend, I bet i would be awful... But myself, I'm totally relaxed, ´my dad always has been really cool about this.

On My Soapbox said...

Kudos to you for not yanking Big Bird's chain! There will be time enough for that later. ;-) Hopefully, since the introduction went well, you'll be seeing more of him soon. Maybe they won't be so nervous next time.

Starlight said...

I'm glad that you behaved well when you met LilSis' boyfriend. I know you parents are protective and all that but imagine how hard it is for us kids.

Dudemeister said...

Kudos on being, like, a total adult and stuff ;)

BB said...

Glad you're doing well. If you get time off come on down to Myrtle Beach and you can help us move, hehe!! It sucks but I'm looking forward to it. Big Bird? Does LilSis know you call him that? haha.

Jumble Mash said...

Perfect code name for Lilsis' man. I mean...PERFECT! I just hope I don't call him that to his face.

caterpillar said...

Glad to know that the dinner went well...and even better that you didn't get into the protective mode...I am not a parent but I have a younger sister...and I understand to some extent some extend how you must be feeling...I had contemplated on warning my sister's fiance that he'd be dead if he hurt her ever but stopped myself in time...but he knows it anyways! :)

G said...

Good to have you back posting and that you've finally met the significant other...I bet he was nervous as hell...I would have teased him :)

hed said...

So? Did she pick a winner? I'm guessing yes because she is related to you and JM-and on a side note, you two are perhaps related to Charlie Sheen?

Duh! Winning! :D

hed hed above water

Dr. McCoy said...

You actually showed that dude some kindness? Let's just say I'm disappointed.

Leigh said...

My dad always tried to do the intimidating father routine, but he's just way too easygoing to pull it off. It was funny to watch him try, though.


our kids warn theirs in advance....part of the family once you've been insulted .......

Unknown said...

Good boy! Glad you behaved yourself. That is probably why little sis was so nervous....she is well aware of your POTENTIAL.......kt

Carol E Wyer said...

Chief aka Dad well done. My dad (don't have any brothers) scared the living daylights out of my first boyfriend - he ran off down the path never to be seen again.
I've missed your posts...hope all is well.

Lyndylou said...

It's all about winding up the boyfriends innit? Such fun ;)

I sent you an email a few wks back asking how you were doing cos I am missing your posts but I'm assuming it got lost in your spam.

Never mind, just know, I am thinking of you. Keep smiling :)

Bubbles said...

I'm just stopping by to say hello and to see how you are :D... hope you're having a good weekend

Cinderita said...

YAY! And it sounds like you behaved quite nicely.

toko baju muslim said...

Nice post, thanks for sharing this wonderful